Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Mr KLC

    CC -330 at home vs SEA tonight

    Seattle won't get a better shot than that.
  2. Mr KLC

    CC -330 at home vs SEA tonight

    Well, Sabathia finally cooled down.
  3. Mr KLC

    Buccos vs Braves. in game thread

    Wish I took the over, but at least its a game again.
  4. Mr KLC

    SBR making a move on your girl Gamelive

    Yep. That's actually how I found you all. That was one hell of an advertising campaign. I'm taking all the toilet paper off the rolls in my house now for Mrs. KLC.
  5. Mr KLC

    Buccos vs Braves. in game thread

    Braves finally breaking through. I thought for a minute that they were going to leave 2 men on base again.
  6. Mr KLC

    CC -330 at home vs SEA tonight

    Sabathia on fire. No hitter after 5, 10 K's, 6 K's in a row right now. One run will probably win it tonight.
  7. Mr KLC

    Buccos vs Braves. in game thread

    I took Braves -1.5 tonight. Oops!
  8. Mr KLC

    Welcome to Mr. KLC

    Thanks for the welcome. Looks like a fun board. Hoping to get the post count up real quick.
  9. Mr KLC

    What are you listening to?

    Kicking it with the 90's.
  10. Mr KLC

    CC -330 at home vs SEA tonight

    Went with Seattle on a small wager. They have to win sooner or later, right? Why not against CC?
  11. Mr KLC

    Addicting games!!!

  12. Mr KLC

    Addicting games!!!

    I'm old school. Turn Pac Man on, and I'm entertained for hours, along with a bad case of carpal tunnel.