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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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Remember when Ukraine killed American Journalist Lira.

Ukraine Process with Lira:
We just have a few questions
We just need to detain for a couple days
Oopsie, he was tortured and killed in prison, but these things happen

“They tortured an American journalist to death in a Ukrainian prison, and the US is not even asking what happened to him,” Putin said. “No one went to the trouble of asking what actually happened.”

Biden: Who died? I need an ice cream.
In case you want to know why he was killed.

Guy who’s tongue is permanently parked in Trumps butthole


How could you disrespect the 10’s of thousands of Americans who bravely served or made the ultimate sacrifice by even uttering the word Vietnam during a discussion about Ukraine and Trump calling Zelensky a “dictator”.

You should be ashamed of yourself, sir!
LOL WHAT AN IDIOTIC POST!!! Exactly my point that SO SAD so many of our young men lost their lives over something that didn't end well! Yes, we don't need another Vietnam! That example going halfway across the world to get involved in a situation we had no business in says Ukraine has received enough from the US.

And Macron calling a meeting worrying about the Ukraine situation, smart guy being mainly concerned with the collateral damage that France might receive greater than Ukraine's dilemma. Hey pal, you and the rest of the group in the meeting, increase your financial help for Zelensky. Finally we have a person in charge who's thinking the same, #1 US #2 them!

Oh, and tell me where I posted about TRUMP name calling Zelensky being right? Of course was wrong. Honestly went beyond example like calling Biden "sleepy Joe."

Maybe your terminal TDS had something to do with post!
LOL WHAT AN IDIOTIC POST!!! Exactly my point that SO SAD so many of our young men lost their lives over something that didn't end well! Yes, we don't need another Vietnam! That example going halfway across the world to get involved in a situation we had no business in says Ukraine has received enough from the US.

And Macron calling a meeting worrying about the Ukraine situation, smart guy being mainly concerned with the collateral damage that France might receive greater than Ukraine's dilemma. Hey pal, you and the rest of the group in the meeting, increase your financial help for Zelensky. Finally we have a person in charge who's thinking the same, #1 US #2 them!

Oh, and tell me where I posted about TRUMP name calling Zelensky being right? Of course was wrong. Honestly went beyond example like calling Biden "sleepy Joe."

Maybe your terminal TDS had something to do with post!
You sicken me you unpatriotic Vietnam veteran slanderer!
You sicken me you unpatriotic Vietnam veteran slanderer!
LOL if that's what you want to call me, fine! Let me add not just Vietnam but also the Iraq war where Bush destroyed their country and his buddy Cheney and Halliburton profited from the country's rebuilding. Wonder who's going to inherit Dick Cheney's vast wealth after he and the Mrs dies? @Tron the person you posted would make a good VP of our country :loco:

"Instead of being a respected world leader, the U.S. now looks like an unstable superpower ruled by a man playing empire builder. And the world has noticed. At the U.N., multiple allies have questioned America’s commitment to global stability. A recent Pew Research survey found that confidence in U.S. global leadership has plummeted in Europe, Latin America and Asia. Trump has made us a laughing stock across the globe.

When the world stops taking us seriously, we don’t just lose respect. We lose economic leverage, diplomatic influence, and ultimately, security.

Bullies really like to pretend to be strong when they are clearly just insecure. And yeah, we know that bullies eventually get their due, but when the bully is the president of the United States, the blowback is collective. It’ll be our economy that is suffering when countries turn away from the U.S. trade. It’s our national security that gets put at risk when allies distance themselves from us. And it’s our global standing that’s diminished when America becomes the world schoolyard tyrant instead of a trusted leader.

Trump’s foreign policy isn’t America First. It's It’s America Alone. And in the long run, that’s a losing game, because when a bully finally falls, no one rushes to pick them back up."
Looks like the post that Grok disagreed with was the Wall Street Apes post, not Elon's. But that's happened before and will happen again, and actually it's good to have fact checking on social media. Although admittedly I'm not sure what the accuracy of Grok is either. I suppose over time we'll figure that out.