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Worst Movie Sequels Of All Time

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
Only going by the 2nd chapters of a movie franchise. These are the worst of movies that the originals rocked.

10. Speed 2 Cruise Control: The original was a solid popcorn film. Keanu Reeves did his usual. Dennis Hopper as well. Great pacing. The 2nd had none of that. Sandra Bullock is garbage in general and Jason Patrick isn’t even a poor man’s Keanu.

9. Exorcist 2: The Heretic: The sequel to the Exorcist was literally 2 hours of boredom and had flashbacks to the original which made the movie even more nonsensical. It was truly awful.

8. Jaws 2: Yet another horror film that had none of the horror or suspense the original did. The first one told the story. The sequels were pretty much Death Wish w a shark.

7. Bad Santa 2: Many of you may have forgotten they made this, and for good reason. What made the first one so great felt so hollow in the 2nd. The writing was uninspired and forced. It was bad in not a good way.

6. Dumb And Dumberer 2: I’m choosing the sequel that starred the original cast. The prequel I pretend never existed. This was a cash grab for both actors. What could’ve been good was nothing more than a paint by numbers sequel with no standout moments like the first one did.

5. Teen Wolf Too: Okay the original wasn’t perfect but Michael J Fox carried it and it’s considered an 80s film we all saw as kids. The 2nd one with Jason Bateman should never have been made. Nothing against pre 2000 Bateman but his comedic acting was more apt for TV than film.

4. The Sting Two: The original was one of the top 200 films of all time. The con was perfect. The acting and cinematography was spot on. The 2nd one w Jackie Gleason had nothing to do with the original AND the con was just trash.

3. Staying Alive: The sequel to Saturday Night Fever tried to advance a disco era into the 80s and the result was cringe worthy. Imagine Travolta hamming it up surrounded by neon and awful music written by his brother. Try watching it now and you won’t last 10 minutes.

2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2: The first one is considered one of the greatest horror films ever. Surprisingly not nearly as gory as people make it out to be. What made it so great was the visceral post violence settings. The sequel was done as a campy gore fest w Dennis Hopper that felt more like a tongue in cheek film. Many horror buffs pretend thjs one was never made when they discuss the others that came out afterwards.

1. Caddyshack 2: Easily the worst sequel of ALL TIME. The original was a classic because the actors were misfits themselves filming loosely on a script. They were drinking and doing drugs the entire time they filmed and it became magic. They caught lightning in a bottle. The sequel took the concept and homogenized the “magic”. The original cast was mostly gone, and so were the jokes. If one movie never needed a sequel it was this one.