Hooligans Sportsbook

Rare Posted Play and a Fox

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Feb 1, 2010
So here at the treatment plant there is a 2 acre effluent pond. I was out this morning spaying weed killer around the edge of the pond and there is this head sticking out of the water. So I go grab my net and go back to try and save what I assumed was a dog. We have several different size nets for various size dogs that fall into the pond and sometimes even have to go out in the boat to save them. Its a lined pond with steep side so once they fall in they are at the mercy of me spotting them in time. Anyway, I go to catch this puppy in my net and it ATTACKS violently. Not uncommon because they sometimes have been in the pond for hours and are terrified. I try again and this time I realize this is no puppy. Turns out it was a full grown Florida Red Fox. The fox was a first for me. I did save an owl one time, never did figure out how an owl got trapped in the pond in the first place. Oh, on a side note, if you ever happen to save an owl on Thanksgiving Day when the vets are closed, DONT KEEP HIM IN YOUR OFFICE OVER NIGHT!

So back to the fox, hes alive and well and probably out looking for some farmers chickens as I post this. He did give me a thought though. Maybe he was a sign of some sort. I have been on a seriously bad (understatement Im 1-17 since early April) run late. Maybe the fox could change my luck. I was gonna just sit it out till football season but I think I will try this tonight.

Since it was a red fox I looked through the starting pitchers for tonights games to see if any of them had something fox related in their names but no luck. However two of the starters tonight did have red goatees. So thats the sign and here are the plays.

Aaron Cook and the Rockies +136
Aaron Harang and the Reds +105.

See what happens when you start looking for SIGNS.

Red Fox led to red goatees which just so happened to belong to two guys named Aaron both playing for team who start with the letter R.
Bread, the owl story is true. Not one of my brighter moments but it really happened. Was a cold Thanksgiving afternnon and I was at the treatment plant checking on things cause I always have to check on the plant regardless of the holiday even if it's only a couple of hours. Anyway somethin caught my eye at the pond so I go check it out. It's a friggin owl and a huge hammerknocker as well. Fortunately in this case it was close to the edge and I could reach him with my pool screen net. I get him to the top and he is not in good shape at all. Exhausted and cold, I figure he'll probably die. I couldn't just leave him out in the elements to just freeze to death but it's a holiday and the Vet isn't open. Sure there is an emergency number to call but I'm not paying for it and I can't chance the city having to pay for it and they will be open tomorrow anyways.

So like the true genuis I am, I decide to put him in the plant office over night. I turn the heat up and set up some old clothes as a makeshift bed and I leave him there. The next morning I go to the plant and HOLLY HELL, this bird has torn my office to pieces. Lab equipment is knocked off the shelves, computer monitor (the old style not the new flat panel) is knocked over and papers all over the place. Not only that but HE IS PISSED!. My office is 10 x 10 and I'm a fat fck as we have previously established so there ain't a hell of a lot of maneuver room here. Close quarters combat with a scared owl ain;t for the weak at heart.

Long story short, I finally trapped the bird, managed to put him in the truck ( NO! I learned my lesson in the office, I didn't release the bird in the truck) and took him to the vet. He was saved and released and I had to explain to my utility director why we had to purchase a new $800 microscope.
mc, I don't talk much but I do like to express myself and be clear when telling a story. I don't fit the mold of the hip quick poster.

Plus, unless something goes wrong I have that blog gig coming up so I am kind of practicing with styles and content.
Looks like I misread the sign. Maybe I was suposed to fade the red fox/red goatees/Aaron's/teams starting with the letter "R".

1-19. this has fgot to be a record. Not one I wish to increase either. I'm done till football season.
mc, I don't talk much but I do like to express myself and be clear when telling a story. I don't fit the mold of the hip quick poster.

Plus, unless something goes wrong I have that blog gig coming up so I am kind of practicing with styles and content.
Calm strike at Archie here, well done Wally.