Hooligans Sportsbook

Top Seven Best Letters In The Alphabet


Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
7. Q: A letter not used often but when it is, it’s eye catching. Granted the “u” that comes after it dims its luster but all in all a letter that makes you think when you see it.

6. V: The letter V really shines when it’s the first letter of a person’s name. Victor is a perfect example. Striking. Not the biggest fan of the word “very” though so that hurts its ranking.

5. W: since the inception of the internet, the W has seen its popularity rise tenfold. After years of being used only in words that pose questions (who where when), it’s nice to see a little www goes a long way. Bonus points for it being 2/3rds of the WWE.

4. Z: Many other people probably rank this higher but we just don’t get to see it enough. Zorro is so dated and who really talks about zebras anymore? Any of you ever fly in a zephyr? I rest my case.

3. K: It’s special. Just ask the cereal. Also been used a lot more lately in names that were more commonly spelled with a “c”. If cunt is ever spelled kunt in the future, I will move it up higher.

2. J: Everytime you get this letter in Scrabble, you can’t help but become giddy. It’s a nuclear bomb in that game to destroy your opponent. Every word that starts with J I love except Jagermeister. That shit is evil.

1. X: The best letter of all time. So awesome, sex movies use it 3 times. The best Cabbage Patch Doll was named Xaviar. X-Box is iconic. So is Xerox. Let’s not forget Xanax. A letter that screams at you in all the right holes.
7. Q: A letter not used often but when it is, it’s eye catching. Granted the “u” that comes after it dims its luster but all in all a letter that makes you think when you see it.

6. V: The letter V really shines when it’s the first letter of a person’s name. Victor is a perfect example. Striking. Not the biggest fan of the word “very” though so that hurts its ranking.

5. W: since the inception of the internet, the W has seen its popularity rise tenfold. After years of being used only in words that pose questions (who where when), it’s nice to see a little www goes a long way. Bonus points for it being 2/3rds of the WWE.

4. Z: Many other people probably rank this higher but we just don’t get to see it enough. Zorro is so dated and who really talks about zebras anymore? Any of you ever fly in a zephyr? I rest my case.

3. K: It’s special. Just ask the cereal. Also been used a lot more lately in names that were more commonly spelled with a “c”. If cunt is ever spelled kunt in the future, I will move it up higher.

2. J: Everytime you get this letter in Scrabble, you can’t help but become giddy. It’s a nuclear bomb in that game to destroy your opponent. Every word that starts with J I love except Jagermeister. That shit is evil.

1. X: The best letter of all time. So awesome, sex movies use it 3 times. The best Cabbage Patch Doll was named Xaviar. X-Box is iconic. So is Xerox. Let’s not forget Xanax. A letter that screams at you in all the right holes.
Good to have you back buddy we need more of your crazy threads haha. Howve you been??
Good to have you back buddy we need more of your crazy threads haha. Howve you been??
I’m good pal. I’m boring now. I rarely go out and I binge watch a lot of TV as I age.

Essentially I’m living my best life….if I was a Golden Girl

I know you’re killing it. Keep it up buddy
I’m good pal. I’m boring now. I rarely go out and I binge watch a lot of TV as I age.

Essentially I’m living my best life….if I was a Golden Girl

I know you’re killing it. Keep it up buddy
Man I don't know about killing it but I'm getting by. Happy to finally have a chill job that seems to be a good fit. We'll see how long that lasts haha.

Need to get rolling on my book again, but just been settling in to my new schedule in the meantime.