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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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Joe Biden 1965

young Jill


Depends on which news source you cite, and if there was evidence contrary to what you believe you would dismiss it if it came from one not aligned with the right.

I was stating reasons why Trump is going to lose in November, his age, instability, mental illness, raping young girls etc.
Lots of trump supporters hate hearing awful truths about their candidate.

Get some Kamala now -110 may be the best you see before Nov.
There's some evidence Trump raped young girls? LMAO. Must be why he wants to release all the Epstein files. Makes a lot of sense. Remember there is a laptop of the current president's son with him and underage girls nude in hotel rooms and him passed out with the crack pipe in his mouth. So, I guess decency is on the ballot.

AGAIN, Kamala has ZERO and I mean ZERO accomplishments that point to her being a good president. None. And Trump did a very good job with the economy (despite calling CNN fake news which hurts people's feelings a lot apparently).
I'm betting Harris closer to the election, plus I want to watch the orange turd squirm at his trials in the new year.
TV was better when Donnie was a reality star - the good ol days.

So we'll let Harris be prez and Trump can dance like a monkey to entertain. He's the best monkey. nobody has ever monkeyed better!! Win/win

(Apes come up to him with tears in their eyes saying "you're the best monkey ever! Nobody acts like a monkey better than you")

Actually, watching Trumptards meltdown after the election will be entertaining as well. Their boy gonna lose to a black broad with a fake black accent. Thats gonna kill the orange turd.
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ooh the democrats are going to run with this one... cop killer pardoned by trump on his last day in office almost kills his wife by strangling her
whats your source Reddit? ( lol )

There have been plenty of young females accusing Trump of rape over the years, but many of them allege they were threatened or coerced and decided not to proceed out of fear, seems plausible, perhaps Daffy could chime in.

So plenty of accusers, long before 2016 and Trumps first dance at the election.

Some of them may have lied ? perhaps, are they ALL lying, probably not. I don't think its hard to believe that Trump could be a rapist, he's quite an entitled cunt ya know!
I'm betting Harris closer to the election, plus I want to watch the orange turd squirm at his trials in the new year.
TV was better when Donnie was a reality star - the good ol days.

So we'll let Harris be prez and Trump can dance like a monkey to entertain. He's the best monkey. nobody has ever monkeyed better!! Win/win

(Apes come up to him with tears in their eyes saying "you're the best monkey ever! Nobody acts like a monkey better than you")

Actually, watching Trumptards meltdown after the election will be entertaining as well. Their boy gonna lose to a black broad with a fake black accent. Thats gonna kill the orange turd.
Gonna suck when you lose $25
By the way, I don't give a fuck about either political party in this country because they are both self serving I'm just pointing out an obvious fallacy.
I do agree with Reno on that point, it's not necessary to take sides on every issue, as many times the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Problem is it's very much forced upon us from every angle these days. If it were up to me there would be no political parties. People would actually have to investigate how candidates vote and educate themselves prior to voting. Instead we get Walmart vs. Target every 8 years.

They claim it's every 4 years but it's fixed now to be every 8 years.
What you have to do Plommer is just forget about other people's political opinions. It's meaningless in the scheme of things. And you can't change their opinions anyway (unless they are 19 years old or something). I used to debate politics all the time with a good friend of mine, back maybe 10 years ago. He said to me one day, "You want to just stop discussing politics altogether? I think our friendship will be better if we just remove politics from it entirely." So we did. And he was riright.
2015 Cougar would probably be surprised at how aligned with a single party/candidate that present day Cougar is.
I also STILL don't currently give a fuck about either political party. True. I STILL also wish there were no political parties. But you only have so many options. And no one with a brain is voting for a Communist unless you have zero means to make your life better. If you have ambition or talent, or a business, you're not voting for COMMALA.
2015 Cougar would probably be surprised at how aligned with a single party/candidate that present day Cougar is.
That’s how much the political landscape has changed though. Do you know any politicians from the left that isn’t for women’s reproductive rights AND hot takes B, C, D, E……. The same applies to much of the right also,