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What A Weekend

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oksana - just being a gameliver like the rest of you. i was actually just trying to be friendly adding to the convo wanting th story assuming it would be funny. no harm meant. i think you are taking what i wrote way too much too heart. i'm a very laid back person, and don't mean to be a bitch at all.

and on that point - i'm jsut trying to continue a friendly gamelive atmosphere with continuous witty banter. I didn't think he would ignore my posts. I figured we could all move on like adults by just doing what i've come to know as the "game live way". it wasn't a low blow, it was jsut an attempt to get further information on a funny story. so sit back and relax and take a breathe. its all good baby.

and i dont really get your photo comment? i've seen posts where ppl put up photos of themselves, videos, stories etc. again, chill out man. before i do start being a bitch.
Ok CaliGirl - I mean this with little malice here, but do you think maybe you're being a slight bitch? And if so, why when he was the one who introduced you to the site you now say you love so much? Yeah he spazzed out but really do you think it's right to be attempting to throw things in his face?

I'll give you the heads up on something because it's played out so many times before that I'd be a millionaire if I bet on it - he will be around long after you are. He just will. No matter how much shit he's copping right now, there is a common thread that strings the majority of the people here together. And for those of you who gamble lol I'd be willing to open a line on this one.

I must say that you've broken the mold in that I've never seen someone grab their own photos from other threads and start their own with a collation of them. So for that I give you kudos for being a trend setter. But honestly, why not just chill and let him do his own thing? No need for this silliness on your part.

Ok CaliGirl - I mean this with little malice here, but do you think maybe you're being a slight bitch? And if so, why when he was the one who introduced you to the site you now say you love so much? Yeah he spazzed out but really do you think it's right to be attempting to throw things in his face?

I'll give you the heads up on something because it's played out so many times before that I'd be a millionaire if I bet on it - he will be around long after you are. He just will. No matter how much shit he's copping right now, there is a common thread that strings the majority of the people here together. And for those of you who gamble lol I'd be willing to open a line on this one.

I must say that you've broken the mold in that I've never seen someone grab their own photos from other threads and start their own with a collation of them. So for that I give you kudos for being a trend setter. But honestly, why not just chill and let him do his own thing? No need for this silliness on your part.

Thanks for the post. As far as being here longer than Cali, who knows. She seems like a pretty proficient poster. I said and did some things on here in retrospect were VERY foolish. I also know that Cali knows what's up. I never said I wasn't talking to her. She decided to stop talking to me, friend or otherwise. That's fine. I cannot make someone want to be friends. I am going to work hard on keeping all drama (Cali and otherwise) off the site. She makes the guys on here happy. I wish them all the best. Archie made some good points earlier last week, and I do not want to be THAT guy. I have a lot to offer here, sports and otherwise. You are very sweet for sticking up for me. I have no animosity or anything to anyone. I made this post to just vent for the weekend I had. It seemed crazy and I just wanted to write about it. Cali has her threads and I am happy she has taken to this site the way she has. I am hoping down the road I get a thank you for bringing here here..lol. Blitty could throw me some love as well it seems..lol. All in all, life is WAY to short to worry about what you cannot control. Thank you again Oksana. You are a good person.
Glad to hear bout the drinks together and it not being strictly business! Also glad to hear bout the skin since I guess you saw that CGNJ met Blittyindacity thread! By all accounts there was no hanky panky!

RJ, does GL have the technology yet for posters that they can put certain threads on ignore also? :dunno:

Monkey, thanks pal. If Blitty and Cali had hanky panky, it wouldn't bother me in the least. When Blitty texted me on Facebook last week asking to hang with Cali, I told him she has no connection to me. I have never met her and I have no expectation of worrying about who she hangs with. I wish them all the best. So many people in this world. Fate will bring the right one along when it is ready. Until than, I am going to thicken my skin and work on my novel. I try way to hard to prove I am not the monster I am painted out to be. From now on, I hope being less dramatic will be the road best taken. I did it on SBR for years before drama ever came to be. No reason why I cannot do it here.
i have thanked you casper, via gamelive and text and facebook. and i will thank you again - Thank You for introducing me to gamelive. thanks. gracias. merci.
does this mean we can be cool or would you rather we not write on each others threads?
oksana - just being a gameliver like the rest of you. i was actually just trying to be friendly adding to the convo wanting th story assuming it would be funny. no harm meant. i think you are taking what i wrote way too much too heart. i'm a very laid back person, and don't mean to be a bitch at all.

Honey, I'm calling bullshit.

You sat there and grabbed from another thread a post that said you saw Blitty in response (not to you) a post that Casper replied. You were being a bitch. And I get it. He acted like a bit of a nutter two weeks ago about the you and Blitty thing so why not just throw it in here just in case there was the 0.01% chance he didn't see that thread yet.

But I'm telling you - you will lose. And I'm not saying this in a bitchy chick kind of way and I'm definitely not saying it in stop doing it kind of way. I'm saying it because it's been played out too many times before. You see the sarcastic comments that are coming your way already? The ones you say "screw you" to or just ignore? These guys get over it all quickly. They've seen it all, done it all and are much more witty than you and I. Oh - and their tolerance for fluff seems to wane rather rapidly no matter how much they play along at first.

My advice is to just leave the digs at Casper alone because eventually they'll get over it. Not sure why - maybe it's just a guy thing? :dunno:

Again, this is just my opinion because I want you to stick around.
i have thanked you casper, via gamelive and text and facebook. and i will thank you again - Thank You for introducing me to gamelive. thanks. gracias. merci.
does this mean we can be cool or would you rather we not write on each others threads?

I would NEVER stop you from writing anywhere on here..lol. I TRULY have no ill will or animosity. I wish you all the best. Truly. Like I said earlier, I don't want drama or weirdness. I am happy you have taken to this site like you have. You are a great poster so far. I know the guys on here are happy, and that really is the important thing. If nothing else, I know my legacy on Gamelive has been cemented..lol.

The whole Facebook thing did hurt. I am not going to lie. I don't think I deserved that. Regardless, keep doing what you are doing.
I would NEVER stop you from writing anywhere on here..lol. I TRULY have no ill will or animosity. I wish you all the best. Truly. Like I said earlier, I don't want drama or weirdness. I am happy you have taken to this site like you have. You are a great poster so far. I know the guys on here are happy, and that really is the important thing. If nothing else, I know my legacy on Gamelive has been cemented..lol.

The whole Facebook thing did hurt. I am not going to lie. I don't think I deserved that. Regardless, keep doing what you are doing.

im sorry C but yuo deleted me, remember, you even wrote a thread about it.
im sorry C but yuo deleted me, remember, you even wrote a thread about it.

Cali, I deleted you and then you added me back on. After our last Facebook chat, you deleted me..lol.
It was a lot of unnecessary drama. I made some unwise choices. We both did.
Anyway, it's not important. What is important is you keep it real on Gamelive with your new friends. Keep rocking.
The cops thing Saturday night/Sunday morning was a MAJOR eye opener. We had been drinking since 2:30 in the afternoon and hitting different bars. Kristalynn wanted to meet up after work, so I headed home and changed. My boy was drunk, but wanted to come out. he was in shape to drive, and I felt alright. When the cop pulled me over at about 11pm that night, I KNEW if I was given a Breathlyzer I would fail. I thought I paced myself well enough, but thinking about it as I waited for them to run my DL, I knew I had a long night ahead of me in jail. My boy's car had expired plates (unbeknownst to me) and that is what the cop pulled me over for. When the cop asked where I was going, I said to the bar and that I was a bit lost (which I was) he gave me directions, while the whole time my stupid roommate was almost in tears thinking he was going to jail. It was a sobering experience. We sat in the car for close to 45 minutes. It was heart pounding waiting to see if I was going to get the test. I didn't luckily. the rest of the night became messier and I am just like "I'm done with the nonsense and drama". I am going to just focus on work and less on partying. Getting pulled over yesterday was not a big deal, but the cops didn't like the way I looked and asked a MILION questions and had me sit there for 45 minutes. He was a douche. He was TRYING really hard to get me something. All I know is my record HAS to be clean..lol.