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Curious To Read Your Opinions

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Feb 1, 2010
Sometimes I like to ask questions that can really only be given an opinion on. While some may have more experience its doubtful if any would have true insight.

I was watching E:60 and they had a segment on the 17 and under girls soccer team from Haiti. They were brought here for a tournament and taken to Disney and everything to escape the devastation suffered in their homeland.

Very touching stuff for sure but it does pose an interesting question.

Knowing that they arent going to be able to stay here. Realizing that they will have to go back home to the still devastated area, is it fair to bring them here in the first place?

Certainly no ill will is intended but to bring them here with everything we take for granted and to expose them to something that they could only imagine is that fair to them?

The odds are they will go back home and live a life of poverty for the rest of their lives. Perhaps their lives will be rich with spirituality or family or the like but still for all intents and purposes at least fiscally a life of poverty.

Even with the best of intentions and a Christian heart it seems cruel to expose them to all they will probably never have an opportunity to have.

Obviously I over analyze things sometimes but I would still like to hear other opinions about this. Not necessarily Haiti but any impoverished society.
Wally, would you like to fuck Mila Kunis for one night?

I think fucking Mila Kunis for one night would be a good analogy if you were NEVER going to fuck ANYTHING but ugly chicks for the rest of your life. I mean some of us would fuck Mila Kunis and accept fucking ugly afterwards with little complaint. Now if you fucked Mila Kunis and was told you were NEVER going to fuck again, that would be unfair.
I don't know this Casper but he saw what I just took as typical Coug's.

Coug's I apologize. I completely missed what you did there.

Casper, I don't know you but I appreciate pointing out my lack of understanding the analogy.
Coug's now that Casper made it clear I will try and answer.

I don't know if it really compares. I mean while Mila is obviously incredibly sexy and would be a prized accomplishment for most any ordinary guy let alone a fat fck the potential for truly sexy women would always be there. Sure it would be a purchase for many but still available.

I guess where there is a will there is a way and some of them could find a way maybe. I don't know. Maybe someone who has visited places like these and know forst hand the struggles people have to go through could better answer. Having the advantages we are afforded tends to make us think nothing is impossible I guess.
Rogue, you were one of the ones I was hoping would reply. I figured you have traveled and seen enough to have a better grasp on the subject.

For the record I'm not vilifying anyone for doing this for those kids. I was just wondering if there was a negative psychology side to it.
Coug's one more time. It went over my head and I snapped at you.
I've pointed out to Bread a couple of times when he took something I wrote wrong that he should slow down and read before replying and I went and did the exact same thing.
I was wrong guy and I can't blame it on anything other than I simply didn't get it. It was clever and I unfortunately was not.
I sincerely apologize for snapping at ya.
It compares in the sense that it makes a point, wal.

I mean life is just a series of events, and then we die. What's wrong with one of those events being a REALLY great experience, something you may never have another opportunity to have?

Some of these girls might go on to do great things with their lives, others might just waste away. But for a little while, they got to experience something awesome. What's bad about that?

If your argument is "they wouldn't have known how shitty their lives were if they didn't have anything to compare it to", fine. I still say that's better than never having experienced it.

Feeding a homeless person a warm, tasty meall isn't mean because they'll have to scrap through garbage for their next meal; it was, in and of itself, an enjoyable experience for them.

Much like, as Cougar pointed out, fucking Mila Kunis would be.
Wal I've seen the enthusiasm of poor people when you invite them to the lone McDonald's in the city. The anticipation before, the importance of the event. Yes its an event, an expirience to go to McDonald's. Freaking McDonald's wally, a trip outside the country is monumental.